Monday Musings: What’s Good?

Well, hello there! Happy holidays to you all. Been gone a minute, but I’m working my way back. Welcome to all the new followers, and to all my ride or dies, thanks for sticking wit ya girl.

I’ve been vacillating between shutting this blog down permanently and sporadically posting, hence the lack of original posts. Not that I’ve lost my passion for reading and showcasing my peeps; I just don’t have the time! I do miss it, though. For now, I’m going to make a concentrated effort to blog with more consistency and bring you more underrepresented, unapologetic black woman romance.

Also, I’m no longer on Facebook. I’m done with that platform and their shifty ways. My content will continue to flow directly to Twitter. I’ll continue to post reviews on Goodreads. Yeah, that’s it for now.